Invitation: New dataflow mailing list
19 years ago
Hi all,

At the last meeting of pdmtl we have decided to create a mailing
list to share views about dataflow engines. The purpose of this list is
to invite programmers of various visual (or not) dataflow software to
gather and discuss similarities and differences between their software.

The focus is on improving Open-Source / Free-Software tools, though
comparisons with non-free tools is welcome.

To subscribe, please visit:
Jean-Sébastien Senécal
Reseach Assistant, Hexagram / Assistant de recherche à Hexagram
M. A. Student in Interactive Media / Étudiant en Médias Interactifs, Université du Québec à Montréal
M. Sc. Computer Sciences / Informatique, Université de Montréal
Mail: ***@drone.ws
Web: http://drone.ws